Mar 31, 2019
Buckle up, kids - IT'S U.S. FOREIGN POLICY TIME.
Comrade Jason returns to bring the critical fire in a discussion about John Meirsheimer's book, The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities. We talk in-depth about the liberal interventionist foreign policy establishment in Washington D.C. (AKA THE...
Mar 24, 2019
My new friend and comrade, David, joins us on Red Library this week to discuss David Graeber's fantastic book, Debt: The First 5000 Years. The episode is full of laughs, meme references, pettiness, theory, history, and even a little bit of the occult. It's got a little something for everyone!
We use Graeber's work to...
Mar 17, 2019
Comrade/Professor Noah De Lissovoy joins me this week to discuss his recent article, Value and Violation: Toward a Decolonial Analytic of Capital. Get ready for a dynamite episode on engaging Marxism in a critical dialogue with postcolonial theory and ways to expand its core concepts. We talk a lot about the actual...
Mar 10, 2019
Comrade Courtney is on Red Library this week to discuss Adam Przeworski's book on socialism, capitalism, and electoral politics. This one is especially relevant for anyone active in organizations like the Democratic Socialists of America or interested in the relationship between socialist strategy and electoral politics...
Mar 4, 2019
This week, Comrade Zoya is on Red Library to bring that Marxist feminist fire by talking about Shulamith Firestone's The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution. This is one of those books that got lost to history but deserves a second look and maybe even a second life.
We talk about the lost futures of...