Nov 30, 2020
We focus on our concept of The Impossible Image as representing negativity and the Real in different ways. Sam brings an example from the art world and Adam brings one from the realm of religion. It all leads to asking "what is the revolutionary subject?"
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Nov 27, 2020
The Red Troika delivers our most icy cold/spicy take episode on one of the most beloved film franchises in recent history: Toy Story.
Icy Cold Takes™ abound on everything from alienation under capitalism, the co-optation of radical feminism by authoritarian liberal feminism, the crypto-fascism of the nuclear family in...
Nov 23, 2020
The Red Troika Bois are joined by Comrades Jaime and Pádraig from CounterPower/ContraPoder to talk about their newly published book, Organizing for Autonomy: History, Theory, and Strategy for Collective Liberation!
We discuss the project of the book and CounterPower's approach to organizing, the role of theory for...
Nov 16, 2020
A new comrade/patron, Patrick, joins us in the history wing of the Red Library this week to tackle a long-overdue historical moment of everlasting importance for today's Left: the failed German Revolution of 1918.
We talk about the history of the SPD, the infamous voting for war credits, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl...
Nov 9, 2020
For Plowin' with McGowan Pt. 6/Chapter 6, CC Don is in the driver's seat to talk Hegel, the good infinite, and the bad infinite in capitalism. It's the skeleton crew on this one with just Podrade Neil and Comrade Adam/Chairman Bane joining in the fun.
This is a very breakfast food-heavy discussion. Many...